Did you know that as many as 20 percent of hospitalized patients have to return to the hospital within thirty days of having been discharged? They are simply too frail to go home unless they have professional assistance.
Our team is well versed in the needs of the newly discharged.
- Prompt ordering of equipment and supplies for the home
- Immediate access to newly prescribed medicines
- A medication review to ensure hospital discharge instructions dovetail seamlessly with the prior medication regimen
- Securing that critical follow-up appointment with the primary care physician or appropriate specialist
- Daily walking to improve metabolism and speed recovery
- Coordination of home health personnel (e.g., physical therapists, occupational therapists, respiratory therapists)
- Monitoring of symptoms, with the ability to implement immediate responses should there be signs of trouble
With our private duty nursing, you can often avoid time in a rehabilitation facility.
No one wants to go to a skilled nursing facility if it can be avoided. Allow your loved one to recuperate with the comforts of a home nurse. No more isolation or confusion for those with dementia. The risk of COVID and other communicable diseases is much lower with a home recovery. Plus, your loved one gets to eat familiar foods and is spared the rigors of an institutional schedule.
Enhance your relative’s ability to recover swiftly and well with home nursing care. Give us a call at 631-880-6321.