Cost and Payment

Our fee only goes into effect upon a successful placement/hire (no hire = no fee).

We offer a unique payment option through our Payroll Partner, Ally, in a simple, safe, proper and affordable way to hire private care, as outlined below. 

Placement and Payroll Plan (PPP) – Payroll plus our full placement service and office support. We are very proud to have partnered with Ally to simplify and automate the entire process of being an employer, while offering many additional benefits. Ally creates an individual payroll account for each client as well securing an Employer Identification Number (EIN) from the IRS. Payments are accessed on a secure, fully automated, and user-friendly website by:

  • Electronic bank payment (ACH) at no cost, or
  • Credit card payment with a processing fee, applied to the total invoiced amounts, of:
  • 2% if using Visa, Mastercard, or Discovery
  • 3% if using AMEX
  • Pre-funding—if you require an alternate pre-funding payroll arrangement (trust departments, guardianships, trusts, POAs or other institutions), please enquire directly.

Our placement fee is included in an hourly surcharge to the weekly payroll and provides additional and highly valuable benefits that are not usually available in typical private hire arrangements, thus making this a unique, safe and “best of all worlds” offering.

These benefits include:

  • Access to our “community” of thoroughly screened and thoughtfully matched caregivers (all with nationwide background checks with rigorous and thorough previous employment reference verification performed in house and transcribed)
  • Ongoing caregiver replacements and coverage (i.e., vacations, illnesses, etc.)
  • $25K Theft bonding
  • Timekeeping (w/GPS location verification optional)
  • Fully electronic payments (no checks to write weekly). New York state law requires that domestic workers are paid weekly
  • Workers Comp & Disability Insurance guidance and quote generation and ongoing support with annual audits and reports as requested
  • Long-term care insurance claims processing if relevant
  • Filing for the Employer Identification Number (EIN) with the IRS on your behalf
  • Advice on best labor practices for compliance
  • Our highly responsive and professional concierge office support.

Private duty nursing services:
We offer a wide range of private duty skilled nursing services. Please note that private duty nursing services are not reimbursed by most insurance plans. For more information please email